I know there’s a great deal of disscussion in the genre about diversity, female representation and ” White male”orientated.
In this post on Tor.com, Kate picks over the issues of women, writing, characters and the whole ‘strong female’ visibility thing.

You’ll find Kate Elliott as a Guest of Honour in the UK Fantasy Con in York 2014 http://www.fantasycon2014.org/
Her site http://www.kateelliott.com/
Her Spirit Walker Series is on my to read list… well, it’s more than that. They are already on my bookshelf awaiting a week of ” I want to hide in someone else’s world.” I certainly need to re-read the crossroads series. (Notice how my todo list grows by the moment?)
I’d also recomend The Golden Key in which she co-authors with Melanie Rawn and Jennifer Roberson.