Six years ago I started out on a Creative Writing Degree at Hull University. Today I officially graduate…
The reason why this blog exists is due to that course, but was it all worth it?
I wouldn’t now be working in the area I am nor exploring the creative ideas I have, had I not attended the course. It’s highly doubtful I would have discovered the markets I have, let alone built the same portfolio of narratives had I not endured the whole six years.
I would not have the confidence in my work, or the understanding of the wider industry. I wouldn’t have the friends I do, or the respect for the things I create. I would not comprehend the importance of how creativity and art fits into the world and how it drives things. I still would not take written work seriously. Because. “Oh… You’re a writer…” is never said in with the same weight as “Lawyer”, “Doctor”, or “Rocket Scientist”.

It’s disappointing to learn that the course will be ending in three years, but who could possibly find the time to work to pay the fees and write as well as fit it all around a family? I wrote a novel, several short stories, attempted a play, a radio script and a TV script. Oh, and poetry. I also had my second daughter. Writing and night feeds… ‘Nightmare’ is all I will say.
The dissertation piece will sit in a frame near my writing area. It was an important lesson in itself, one I will not forget any time soon. All the preparation and editing in the world will not protect you from the guidelines set out for the submission of a piece of work.
We never stop learning.
So where now? At this point. Probably the pub. 😀