I had the honour of interviewing RJ Barker for SFFWorld a couple of weeks ago. He’s a fab person and…
There was so much about this book that worked for me, not only the way Nik Korpon dealt with his…
An engaging novel, The Space Between The Stars is something I would happily recomend to my non-SFF friends. Those who…
Not to be confused with a bodice ripper, Suzanne Jackson’s Beguiler merges dragons, magic and a love story. Read the…
Local lad, made good! I was happy to inteview Lee for SFF World. Interview with Lee Harrison
When I opened my curtains this morning onto a non-descript autumn day, I found a rainbow waiting outside my window.…
Five pm (GMT) on Saturday the 3rd of September is when the launch party for Explorations: Through the Wormhole starts over…
About this time of year most parents eye the calandar and count down the days until their children are forced…