About this time of year most parents eye the calandar and count down the days until their children are forced back into a tight schedule of soul enriching learning.
Instead I have several countdowns to keep me completely focused, calm and collected.
Saturday 27th August 2016 will see HumberSFF’s first event, David Tallerman and Daniel Godfrey have somewhat bravely accepted the invitation to be the guest
authors for the night. An event that wouldn’t have happened without behind the scenes help. I’m supposed to be keeping things organised, I might even ask them a question or two. Time will tell.
Friday 2nd September 2016. The release of Explorations: Through the Wormhole happens. The anthology features my short story, When the Skies Open. Mark your Facebook Events now! You don’t even have to leave the sofa to take part in this one, there’s freebies to win & the chance to talk to all the contributing authors throughout the day. I mean, how often do you get sit at the same digital table as this lot?
If you’re really lucky they might buy you a virtual drink when the bar opens too. Might and virtual being key important words there. More about that soonish.
(4th of September…back to school! – see I’m not counting down at all.)
23rd September sees the start of FantasyCon. Where I may or may not be chairing a panel.
And then there’s the writing. By luck and careful planning the writing hasn’t been completely abandoned through the summer break. A breakthrough has been made!
I’m just about to do a not back to school post. Congrats on the anthology.