Have you heard of it?
What do you mean “huh?”
UK Authors writing YA books. From the Phil Earles via Kim Kurrans and the Patrick Ness’ of this world. More of the U (you know like humour and favourite) and less of the Z. (like when you realise that most of the books you read don’t spell words the ‘English’ way.)
Check out the twitter HT #ukya on twitter, a great place if you have love your books. Don’t forget to hunt them down on Facebook as well.
Yes I know there are some fab books from some wow authors from all over the world. But there are some GREAT books from Britain. (Some are even from BRITISH publishers too, go figure.)
APRIL EXTRAVAGANZA: #readukya – UKYA Readathon!
– We will ONLY be reading UKYA books – that’s any book written by an author born or currently residing in the UK.
(So Mr Ness counts!)
Are you up for it?
How many UK YA books do you know of?
How many books can you get through?
Got a favourite UK author?
How about some recommendations?